发布时间:2010/6/4 17:56:20来源:国家知识产权局分享到





2008年,省知识产权局组织开展了“雷雨”、“天网”专利执法专项行动,全省共受理专利侵权纠纷案件161件,查处冒充假冒专利137件。成立了国家知识产权局专利复审委员会第四巡回口审庭以及6家知识产权维权援助中心。全省工商管理机关共查处各类商标违法案件3385件,收缴和消除商标标识38.76万件(套)。全省版权管理系统共受理各类投诉案件17起。全省文化市场稽查查处案件7910起。全省法院新收一审知识产权案件2127件。全省各级检察机关共批准逮捕侵犯知识产权案件38件59人,提起公诉54 件114 人,年内审结并作出有罪判决37件65人。全省各级公安机关共受理各类侵犯知识产权案件112起,立案侦查98起,破案87起,抓获犯罪嫌疑人156名,涉案金额5586万元。青岛海关查处侵犯国内企业商标权案件5起。


Summary of Shandong Provincial Intellectual Property Protection in 2008

In the year of 2008, under the guidance of the important thought of “Three Represents” and the Scientific Outlook on Development, the intellectual property system in Shandong Province took the implementation of the Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy and the Strategic Outline of Shandong Province for Intellectual Property (2005-2010) as the key line, and focused on the theme of “improving the capacity for independent innovation, promoting fundamental changes in the economic growth pattern and adjustment of industrial structures, and providing strong support for the economic and social development”, thus making new progress in the IPR protection work. 

I. The CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Shandong Province attached great importance to IPR Work

Li Qun, Member of the Standing Committee and Minister of Publicity Ministry of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee, attended the Joint Conference on Developing Cartoon & Animation Industry of Shandong Province, and deployed the tasks and specific measures on developing cartoon & animation industry. Jia Wanzhi, Vice Governor of Shandong Province attended the Fourth China National New Varieties of Agricultural Crops Expo & Trade Fair for Variety Rights. The Ninth China National Patent and High-Tech Products Expo & Shandong Cultural Expo, was held in Qufu. Vice Governor of Shandong Province Wang Suilian attended the opening ceremony.

II. The Formulation and Implementation of IPR Policies and Regulations were further Intensified

The Act for the Encouragement of Intellectual Property was brought into 2008 legislative plan by the People's Government of Shandong Province. The formulation of the Regulations of the People’s Government of Shandong Province for the Reinforcement of Intellectual Property Work was also speeded up, to support the implementation of the Strategic Outline of Shandong Province for Intellectual Property (2005-2010). The People's Congress of Shandong Province, the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture, and the Legislative Affairs Office of Shandong Province jointly started the revision of the Administrative Regulations of Shandong Province on the Cultural Market.

III. The Public Education and Training on IPR Yielded Solid Results

During “March 15th International Consumer Right Day”, “April 26th World Intellectual Property Day” and the “Intellectual Property Propagation Week”, the Intellectual Property Administration of Shandong Province and other relevant administrative departments carried out a series of publicity campaigns to disseminate the IPR knowledge and propagate the IPR policies and regulations, by means of handing out brochures and leaflets, providing training courses, holding symposiums and press conferences, conducting intellectual property questionnaire surveys and quizzes, etc. According to incomplete statistics, during the “Intellectual Property Publicity Week”, the administrative system of copyright of Shandong Province alone provided 44,200 person-times of consulting services to the public, handed out over 178,500 copies of promotional materials. The High People’s Court of Shandong Province held a press conference to announce Top 10 typical IPR trial cases to public. 1 million IPR promotional SMS were sent to public, sponsored by the Economic & Trade Commission of Shandong Province. Over 40 IPR training seminars were offered by stages and in batches, with trainees totaling up to nearly ten thousand.

IV. The IPR Protection was Further Enhanced

The Intellectual Property Office of Shandong Province conducted a series of special actions throughout the province for IPR protection, including “Thunder Storm Action” and “Sky Net Action”. Up to 161 patent infringement disputes were accepted and heard, while 137 pieces of counterfeit patents were suppressed. The Fourth Patent Cases Oral Hearing Circuit Court was set up in Shandong by the Patent Reexamination Board of SIPO, and 6 IPR Enforcement Assistance Centers were established. Up to 3,385 trademark violation cases were investigated and dealt with by the administrative organs of industry and commerce, with 387,600 sets of counterfeit trademarks confiscated and destroyed. 17 copyright complaints were accepted by the administrative system of copyright. 7,910 cultural market cases were inspected and investigated, and then processed by the cultural administrative system. Courts at various levels across the province accepted and heard 2,127 intellectual property cases of first instance. People’s procuratorates at various levels across the province approved the arrests of 59 suspects involved in 38 intellectual property cases, and instituted public prosecutions to 114 individuals involved in 54 cases, of which 37 had been closed within the year with 65 indictees convicted of crimes. Public security authorities at various levels across the province accepted 112 IPR infringement cases, of which 98 were placed on file for investigation and 87 were solved. 156 suspects involved in the cases were arrested, while the amount of money involved exceeded 55.86 million Yuan. Qingdao Customs investigated 5 cases involving the infringement of domestic enterprise trademarks, and dealt with the cases according to law.

V. The Number of Approved IPRs Saw Steady Growth in 2008

In 2008, the number of domestic patent applications and that of domestic granted patents amounted to 60,247 and 26,688 respectively. 33,528 applications for trademark registration were submitted, among which 12,700 were approved and issued trademark registration certificates. 14 trademarks were authorized by the State Administration of Industry & Commerce as “National Well-known Trademark”. 1,061 works as well as 279 contracts of foreign copyright trade were registered to obtain copyright protection. The number of plant variety rights applications and that of granted variety rights amounted to 471 and 151 respectively across the province.

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